Saturday 26 May 2012


Although life is what happens when you're making plans, life without any plan is really dull. Very uncomfortable. Even though life is richer when you stay in the moment, it's so much easier to be in the moment when in the back of your mind, you've got something to look forward to.

There are heavy lessons to be learned when your life is in limbo. I can only try to maintain some grace as any results from the medicine I'm taking now won't be for a while. A month and a half probably. And while I'm waiting, my immune system is really low, so I can't hang out in any places that are crowded or germy. So I still can't take my kids to school, or do pick-up.  I really miss doing that.

Last week Kaethe stayed with me two nights in the hospital. My electrolytes went really low and wow, did I feel it. Completely knackered. One flight of stairs felt like a marathon. It was nothing some good old potassium and phosphates couldn't solve.

Today was a beautiful day here. We spent the whole day at the park with the dog and the kids. I'm living in a world of opposites.  One that's happy and sad where I'm worried and grateful. Everything all at once, while nothing is really happening.  It's a life where I want to make plans, but can't

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