Thursday 8 November 2012

Health & Care

Feeling good about Obama. Phew. If it's just for the sheer fact that he cares if people are covered for healthcare. That's enough for me. I had my bone marrow biopsy today. Finally. And I felt so lucky to be surrounded by all these smart concerned people at Sloan. Everyone deserves that. Everyone.

Biopsies are never pleasant. Darcy came with me and held my hand and I think she couldn't help but watch a bit. I'm sure it's fascinating. Drawing marrow out of someone's hip while they're laying there awake. I'd probably watch too. And then probably feel sick for the rest of the day...Thanks Darcy.

Preliminary results should be back tomorrow around 5:00pm. I have a conference call set-up with Dr. Giralt and Andy. I can't do those phonecalls by myself at all. Good news/bad news goes right out of my head and I have no idea what anyone has said.

But 'Care' is the operative word here. It's important for me to know what kind of care helps me the best. And to find it, or ask for it. And to also take the concept of taking care of my health for the rest of my life really seriously. To take a really strong interest in my healthcare without feeling selfish about it is different from how I think I've approached it before. There can always be something more important than taking care of yourself. There's always something else you can do instead.  But this changed for me as I was reading today that aftercare for a stem-cell transplant lasts your whole life. It is a second chance on life and you want to care for it really well.

Historically, I have a hard time saying to myself "Relax. Eat really well. Rest. Sleep. Walk a mile every day" These are things I should just "do" because I'm a citizen of ME (and I don't mean Maine). My goal is to make this the new normal, without yucky mean pressure, but with love. And love for this transplant. It's a very precious gift. A gem. I wouldn't just let it lie around getting dusty.

I'm clearly not the only one who thinks of this as a foreign concept. Half the United States can't get on board with offering healthcare to its fellow citizens, or even themselves!  As though it's not something you should just have because you're a person, a citizen, pay taxes or are sick.

One more prayer request for the good results of the biopsy. It's being checked in the lab right now. God bless it. and all of us.
Lots of love and care!

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