Wednesday 8 February 2012

Yesterday...and Leap Year.

We'll I sorta did and I sorta didn't learn anything new yesterday besides a little bit of clarification. Mostly it's all quite hopeful really. So I'll take that any day...

Firstly, a definitive YES answer about a donor would never come before 10 days after a donor's medical exam. Whatever tests they do, it takes that long...So that puts us at Friday, maybe Monday. So, NOT hearing anything so far is a good thing, of course. And the donor's blood that was sent to the labs here in London all looked good and acceptable to the Brits.  Also, it seems the donor is quite willing and all queued up because they've asked to be able to donate a day earlier. This means I would enter the hospital on February 21st (oh my God that's 12 days from now, I feel so unprepared!). And I would receive my brand new cells on Leap Year! Crazy! So, now, it's not Thanksgiving, not Hanuka, not Martin Luther King Day, not Valentine's Day, but Leap Year! I asked the doctor if this would slow my aging process, only being able to celebrate my birthday every four years. He kinda, sorta, cracked a smile...

I went to the mall today with Isaac. I bought some new movies to watch at the hospital, including, Singin' in the Rain, The Sting, The Longest Yard and Bruno ( I was looking for Borat but they were fresh out...) I also got all sorts of lovely creams from LUSH (my new obsession. Thank you Andy). And I bought some games that might be fun to play in the hospital with my kids (since we're a little burnt out on Kids Charades). I got Jenga and the Cars version of Monopoly (don't ask).  I've ordered needlepoint patterns (I think needlepoint is making a comeback, and it's very Rosie Greer besides). And I'm considering renting a treadmill to be delivered there. It's 25gbp a week! Who knew! Not bad for a little sanity. I also ordered got a new eyeliner (key when you have no hair) and am stocking up on cool nail polish (also key when you have no hair).

So, I can feel myself getting psyched again. But it's with a bit of caution this time. Which, I guess, is just another puny example of all the big re-growing-up this leukemia process has forced me to do. Remember when you were little and you could just have one emotion at a time? Pure excitement? Pure laughter? Pure fear? I think I was looking for some pure excitement about my transplant. I wanted a straight arrow path. No worries, no hiccups.  But being a grown-up means accepting the hiccups, even expecting the hiccups.  Hiccups can be ok. I usually expect to get them after I've laughed hysterically, or after I've eaten a fantastic meal.  Cheers!

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