Monday 30 January 2012

Gigantic Butterflies

That whole expression "Butterflies in My Stomach" fits, until you really have them. This doesn't really feel like butterflies. I would imagine that butterflies would feel much sweeter. Kinda nice, bouncy, you know? This is like something massive is flapping its wings, inside me. Kinda sickening really. It's just so NOT butterfly-ish!

Tomorrow, Donor #3, who some have renamed Mr. or Ms. Serendipity, is going for his/her medical exam. Pleeeeeez let them feel alright. Please let them be alright. And please let them still totally want to do this. Donor #3.  At this point, my saving grace, my life is so in your hands, it's feeling very Hollywood and dramatic. Donor's 1&2 just weren't well.  We'll never ever know why.

Donor 3, they say you're young. I'll bet you're gorgeous! And I love you already. Just like I love Donors 1 & 2. I love them for trying. That was so so nice! What a nice thing to do!!! It's unimaginably nice! And all you amazing friends and family of mine who have registered, donated blood, donated money, you're unimaginably nice! Thank you thank you.

So, hence, this massive, anxious butterfly.  I imagine my best bet is to throw a saddle on it because here's the schedule: Donor #3 passes their medical (right?), I go into the hospital on Feb 22, I receive fresh fabulous new cells a week later (that is day 0) and then I take 4-6 weeks in hospital to recuperate from that. After that, I go home and continue to be really careful until day 100. But a very close eye is kept on me to look at how well the new cells and my body get along (fabulously I'm sure).  After a year I should feel totally like me again. And then, 5 years after transplant, I am just like anyone else in terms of risk for leukemia. Just part of the regular ol' population again.

So, I could have Major Butterflies, or Sergeant, or General Butterflies for 5 years! That's a whole ARMY of butterflies! You could call me Madame Butterfly! Ahhh!

Ok. I"ll stop now.

Fingers crossed for Donor #3 ya'll. (S)he's gonna ROCK!

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