Monday 2 April 2012

Pissed Off

It is so much easier to blog, (or even talk, for that matter) when there are good things to write and say. But I promised this blog to myself, as a way to document or share, this process of getting cured of Leukemia. It's a nasty nasty disease, and it won't seem to go away. This last round of chemo did not do the trick. So I can not go to transplant yet.  Ethically they will not do a transplant here unless someone is in full remission. So I am going back to the hospital on Thursday to start another round of chemotherapy that will likely keep me there for another month. For someone who powers-up from sunshine and flowers, this is truly hard to stomach.

This new round has two entirely new drugs in it. One is an anti-body that the doctor feels positive will target my type of leukemic cells. They haven't done it earlier because it can be hard on the liver and their motto is "least harm".  But in my case now, the benefits of this anti-body drug out-weigh the risks. The doctor said I should not feel any worse than during any other round I've completed.

If anyone out there is reading this, please know that I feel perfectly well. I have never felt badly from leukemia, only chemotherapy. But for the record, I am not Wonder Woman at all. I am really sad these past few days. Getting these imperfect biopsy results sucked. Sad and broken-hearted is the best way to describe how I feel. All I can think about are my kids and my poor husband. I used to dislike the term "battling cancer".  I'm not a huge fighter type and I preferred to think of it as "releasing cancer".  I just had to "let it go". "Clear out". But this has turned into an indescribable battle, because cancer is a freaking tenacious bitch.  This is no doubt a fight. A war. And I'm still planning on winning.

I resent how much focus cancer has now won from me. It used to be more of a side job, but now it has become a full-time job, and I'm pissed. Really pissed off.  Dreams of beating cancer have taken a seat in front of all my other dreams.  Must this define me for me to beat it?  Do "I" have anything to do with it?  What power do I really have? I only know that I have power over how I behave and how I think. If I can really own that, then I know I can always be proud of myself, as a mother, a wife, a friend. So, although this week is filled with tears for me, I know that this is not all that I am. I know that I will find strength from new places. I'm just not sure what they are yet.


  1. Oh Dina, I'm so sad to hear this. Although it might not feel like much consolation, you are so lucky to have such a strong spirit and positive attitude. Even if it's hard to muster right now, I can only imagine how much worse it would be for someone who didn't have your incredible strength of mind and will. It blows my mind trying to find meaning in why awful things happen to lovely people. Maybe there is none. While it may not be a happy feeling, it's a huge positive achievement to find out what you can endure. If you can manage to keep going and still be your happy fabulous self even some of the time that's a mindblowingly heroic achievement.

    If it comes down to having to be a battle rather than a release, I know you are well equipped and strong for the fight. Even the fact that you are pissed right now at cancer is a fighting reaction. Sure calm acceptance is the ideal but you're human, and better angry and ready to be rid of it than sad and resigned. At least every day of the fight is also a day you get to play with the kids, cuddle Laila, laugh over silly jokes, etc. Cancer can't take away the small joys and little moments. If you can have a couple happy moments a day you can build from there. You have a great team of adorableness and love around you as your ammunition for this fight.

    So disappointed this time wasn't the one but I'm glad to hear at least there is a new plan, a new drug, a next step to keep trying. Thinking of you! Please keep updating!

  2. Oh, Dina. I'm so sorry about this latest development. But I'm so glad you're battling. Please know that I think of you every day and am sending love, strength, courage, and healing vibes your way. Stay strong, sweetie. xoxoxoxoxoxo
