Monday 30 April 2012

When to Unfriend?

So I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook. But I do much more lately because I get such nice messages from people cheering me on. Old friends. New friends.  New friends that could have been old friends, but it never happened till now.  And old friends that I can hardly remember.  (I blame that on chemo brain. Please let that be something real, or else I have no excuse!)

So, looking at my FB page the other day I saw that I had 222 friends. That feels like a lot to me. I was so proud. Plus, I love that number. It's kinda sweet.  (Remember Room 222 with Karen Valentine?)
So, anyway, big shock today when I saw I only had 221 friends!! Oh my goodness! Someone un-friended me! Who? How? Why? What did I do?

I'm not sure I really care, but it sure makes me want to play the cancer card. "Hey! How can you unfriend someone with cancer?!"  My 222 was hard-earned! Losing a member has been difficult.
I've never unfriended anybody. It seems so mean. So I hope that whoever unfriended me realizes that they've made a terrible mistake and if they come back begging, you know I'll accept them!

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