(Written on 13 May)
What can I say post a party I'd been looking forward to for years? One I was not sure I'd make it to. One that taught me so much about friends and family and commitment. But mostly about generousity. Isaac, if you read this one day, I'd like you to know that you encompasses for me everything I love about Judiasm. You are a blessed child, and although I sometimes call you spoiled, you are not. You are kind. Studious. Committed. You are thoughtful. You deep down understand the Magic of this life. What I call
G-d. You understand this crazy human gift we've been given and intelligently strive to perfect it; to perfect what G-d gave you. And also, you don't waste your time. I love that. I can not thank you enough for becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Although being Jewish can often be unappealing, considering Jewish history, and I know it would be so much more fun to just dance around the Christmas tree and not have to explore your Jewish side, you have done it with grace, and respect. Thank you.
Your dad and I had the best time celebrating you this past weekend at your big party on a boat. I
Hope we didn't embarrass you too much. I love you,
As I got my shots of Azacytadine last week, I, as always, was heavily grateful to Monique. Sometimes gratitude can feel so light and free. Like, "let's dance on the beach!" And sometimes it's just dumbfounding. Like being lost and adrift on a sailboat in the middle of the sea when some supertanker cruises by and notices you and pulls you aboard. Monique, you are my supertanker.
We had so many friends and family surrounding us this last week. We had 14 people sleeping at our house in all crazy configurations. I loved it! I do think I was meant to live on a commune or kibbutz.
We drank wedding wine with friends whose nuptials we missed three years ago due to my cancer and illness.
I had the opportunity to much more deeply bond with family members whose relationships were thwarted when I was growing because of my devisive acting parents. That was so healing! I met the grown son of my first cousin Suzy for the first time! I took selfies with cousins with rainbows behind us and the giant illuminated midnight London eye in front of us.
I got to feed yummy barbeque and chocolate to seventy wonderful, well behaved, almost bizarrely mature 7th graders. So fun.
And now I'm on a plane to Barcelona with my enlightened Aunt Dee and cousin Alexa. Seventy six and 21 respectively. I'm humbled that they love me and have celebrated every step of this journey with me.
And hats off to my charming seven year old Ari who toasted his brother with such charm at the party that he brought the house with a huge ovation. Or I should say, he brought the boat down!
I cried myself to sleep last night with how much I love life and how sad I am that we're all going to die one day. It's just so amazing here. It's paradise. Fresh air, rain, sun. Having a body to hug with.
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