Monday, 31 March 2014

Happy Birthday to the African Raven and me.

Well, we checked out of the Ryokam paying full price. I just couldn't do it. You know, rip them a new one (if you know what I mean)?  Plus I thought it best to spare Andy the embarrassment. But i did snap some photos of the offending carpet and various other stains. (Who knows what I'll do with those?)  Ironically, upon check out, she gave us a gift of candy and said "it is good luck in bringing you money". We had to laugh, because it definitely worked for her!

We then took the bullet train again. Now from Kyoto to Hiroshima.  When we arrived in Hiroshima, we were met by gentlemen in suits from the shipyard and took a two hour drive to the coast, to Innoshima Island. The minute we arrived we dropped our bags off and put on hards hats and white gloves to go see the shipyard and ship number 766. We learned she doesn't get her name until she is properly christened. 

There was such affection for this giant, brand new, ready to launch, carrier of grain and wood and ore. Beautifully designed, the building of her employes 1000 people and supports the town and island. 
Today was a bright morning and as we drove back to the shipyard for her launching, number 766 was decked out in red and white banners and streamers.  Families from the island all came to watch. Shipyard workers in blue coveralls held so many balloons they looked like rainbows wearing hard hats.  An antique bell was rung ten times and then yard workers ran under the boat to remove the least neccessary supports under it.  Then, as it's god-mother, I blessed the ship, it's crew and it's owners. I then cut a red and white cord with a beautiful hatchet. This set off a mechanical momentum that caused a bottle to smash on the ship's hull and then the entire 37,000 ton ship began to release backwards into the harbor. It was huge and practically silent. The beautiful African Raven had been launched! She seems like a tough bird. I'm proud to be her god-mother. It was phenomenal. Really. 

This was such an unusual thing to do and a very cool way to spend my birthday. And although my allegiances are quite strong for September 21th, my re-birthday, I'm back to appreciating my original birthday and hope to spend both days in much celebration for many years to come. It might be hard to top today. But we can always try...

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