Thursday, 28 March 2013

Immune Systems

Well, it seems everyone in London is sick, or "unwell" as they like to put it here. And that includes us. Dacy's all had fevers hovering around 104 this week and various other accompanying symptoms which remain unmentionable (although that obviously seems like I've mentioned them, doesn't it?)  I knew things were particularly bad today when I called the pharmacy to see if a perscription was ready and the pharamist said it wasn't because everyone was out sick!  What do you say to that?

I feel like I take so many drugs already. Anti-everything. Anti-gvhd, rejection, virus, bacteria, fungus. And then pro, stomach protection, Vit D, Multi, I'm sure I'm missing some. So, to be adding in, tylenol, Immodium, cough makes me crazy.  I just want my new immune system to do its fabulous new thing. But the pills I take compromise it so that my body doesn't reject the transplant. It's a scientific ballet. Although graceful I ain't feelin'.

So, each day, I still wake up with this giggle. And still the smallest things bring tears and smiles to me. I probably cry from joy at least once a day. Today so far was two cries. First was when Dumbledore told Harry that his mother infused him with love, and that's what makes him so special. I'm miss quoting, but it's close to that.  And the second was when Pres. Obama awarded Burt Bacharach and Hal David the Gershwin Prize for life achievement.
Here's the link.
We're major Burt fans. Burt reminds me of the best of my childhood. He always put the whole family in a good mood. I think I might know all the words to all the songs. I could easily beat anyone at a Name the Tune Burt songfest (if there ever was one).

So, about immune systems. Many people often ask me if I'll ever go back to Goldstone here and tell him I had a transplant, etc, and thanks for your cowardly advice to go home and get my things in order. Honestly, he's killing people by not fighting for looser restrictions for who can be transplanted. I'm soooooo unimpressed and it's so messed up.  There's work to be done here and I just need to get my head around how! I had this image yesterday of Michelle Pfeifer in Batman. Such a great scene. She finally accepts her new role as Cat Woman. She walks into her sweet little apartment that has the neon HELLO THERE sign on the wall. She takes a high heel and punches out the the O and the T. "HELL HERE". I love it. I'm hoping to get in touch with my inner Cat Woman.

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