Thursday, 21 March 2013

Happy 1/2 Birthday

Do you celebrate half birthdays? Somehow we created some precedent for that and now we've got a tradition going. We forgot Ari's in February so he's been racking in the Legos this week online to make up for it. Little Legos. Lego "guys". He's really into them these days.

When he was "little" he had this really cute way of singing the birthday song.  After everyone was finished, he'd get up on a chair and start over. But in his own way. Arms up in the air, top of his lungs, "Happy To You Birthday!!!! Party!!!"  So for a long while when it was someone's birthday, we would say, "Happy to you!"  So, what might seem like an odd digression actually makes some sense. Today is exactly six months from my transplant. September 21 to March 21. It's my half birthday! Happy to me! Plus, I've got all the equinoxes covered. Maybe not exactly, but close to for sure.

The final results from this last biopsy are stellar.  All of my cells are 100% donor cells, meaning non of my sneaky old cells are in me at all.  And as well, the blood-type switch over has happened.  I am now my donors blood-type. I am no longer B+, I am now an A-.  I'm up a half grade and I can still be positive if I feel like it.

I still walk around stunned. Stunned. Stunned. Stunned.

Happy to you!

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