Friday, 3 October 2014


September 21 marked two years since my transplant. I've been meaning to write since then. I like to write on these important milestone days because I like the way the dates look when the entry gets posted. But, alas, I missed it on the 21st. So, October 3rd will just have to do.  I've always liked October and I'm very glad to see another one. Isaac was born in October. And so were Allison and Kaethe. I just love Libras. What's not to like?

But we did make September 21 a very special day this year. We drove out to Wales and we got another puppy! She's the same breed as the lovely Laila but a sweet apricot color instead of Laila's beautiful basic black. Her name is Scarlett, but we call her Kerfuffle.  She causes a real stir wherever she goes; serious outpourings of love.  She's twelve weeks now and she sleeps a ton.  She will pass out right in the middle of a conversation.  Today, after a little bit of mini tennis ball chasing she lay down in the middle of a soccer pitch to take a nap. It made her look so tiny! Shes so little she can get up the stairs but wouldn't dare try to get down. She just sits at the top and gives a little squeak for assistance.  I can't yet leave her at home without a human very long so I carry her around London in a scarf tied around me like a baby sling.  I think I am attachment parenting my dog!

The week we got Scarlett I think was the quickest week I've ever lived. You know how some weeks go so fast and others don't? That one hurtled forward like a comet! It was almost scary. I feel panicky when days go super fast.  Lately I've been resenting sleep. I know it's probably the thing I need the most, but it just annoys me. What a waste of time! Tonight, as I was putting Ari to bed and reading him The BFG, by Roald Dahl, the giant talks about just this! Apparently giants don't need much sleep.  He was ridiculing humans for sleeping our lives away. He said that by the time you're 50 you've slept for 20 years. According to him, that would make me only 30, and Ari four. We laughed. But there's such a part of me that wishes it were so. I want all my years back! Which obviously is impossible, so instead, I live in this, "Quick! I wanna do everything!" state of being.

I was thinking of concluding my blog today. I don't write in it very often anymore. And my original hopeful goal was to end it after I met my donor. Now that I've met Monique, in my mind, I still feel baffled. Still overwhelmed but what happened to me. To us. My family and friends. And I'm still stunned by this happy ending. So much so, that I don't think I could gracefully end this blog today. I think there's still more to process, still more to learn. There's still some more thinking I must do, and thanking I must do. So, for today, I am just gong to say, "Welcome Scarlett". And, "Wake-up baby girl! There's no time for sleep!"

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