Dr. Giralt discharged me today. It was the biggest relief I've felt in such a long time, I immediately fell asleep, detached from my IV pole, flat out on my belly. I could not move. Emotion, exhaustion, disbelief, belief. Waited all day for the final discharge and left with a giant bag filled with drugs. I mean GIANT. Tracy dragged me out of there and Jennifer organized all those medicines and I just couldn't stop eating. I had a little bit of everything: barley soup, tiny burger with ketchup, honeydew, avocado, a piece of a rye bagel with cream cheese, 3 small pieces of cheddar, a peanut butter and jam sandwich, and some chocolate that still doesn't taste right. I'm still waiting for water and chocolate to come back to themselves-- they're still off in wildly wrong taste-bud land.
It really struck me how long I'd been in the hospital today when I got out of Tracy's car at her house and went to climb her front steps. I literally felt like I was on Jupiter. The gravitational pull was completely unfamiliar. I could hardly understand my legs or get up those steps. It was shocking. But as I'm confident my taste for chocolate will return, so will my ability to get up the stairs with grace.
I will now continue this journey, taking care of my new baby self. Never would this have happened without the extreme devotion and care of my family and friends. How would I have been able to laugh my way through the ICU (at least that's how I remember it...). I'm just going to rest, laugh, enjoy, and heal. That really corny expression: Today's the First Day of the Rest of Your Life... Hmmm, well that actually applies...
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