Monday, 20 August 2012

Gathering My Things

Well, I hope to be gathering my things in a few hours. They have agreed to let me go. They are putting together all the medications I should take to stay healthy while I'm waiting for my counts to fully return.  The insurance company hopefully approves all of them. And then I can GO!

I really just want to sleep in a regular bed. They have these new fangled beds here that sporadically move the matress around in different ways.  To prevent bedsores. It has this crazy deep motor and everytime I was maybe going to fall asleep last night, the bed would grrrrrr and wake me up.  I didn't sleep a wink. Plus I even took two benedryl to try to sleep, and nothing. It's not really like me. I'm usually a good sleeper.  It was totally wired. I think it was at the idea of possibly going home today.  Also, I counted last night, they came into the room for something or other, six times, and they also moved a new roomate into this room at 3:15am.  Her roomate has spinal meningitis and is on isolation. That totally freaks me out.  Hospitals. Yuck. Gotta go!

But despite hospitals being undeniably yucky, it is my deepest wish that the next time I come into this hospital it will be for a transplant.  (Besides check-ups with Marty, out-patient).  I am optimistic and worried at the same time. I've just accepted these two things are going to have to be simultaneous and compatible.  Sergio and Marty have both spoken about how the stars must align. Many things working out at the same moment.  I'm just keeping my eyes on those cells. My body yearns for this rebooting. Can a stem-cell donor ever really comprehend what they are doing? Giving? It's so huge. 

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