Amal and I met with Dr. Panos Kottaridis this evening. He came to the house and spent two hours discussing transplant and answered every other question under the sun. Amal took notes. Thank goodness. But, it seems that I'm rolling toward transplant. It will be in August. With Panos. At the Royal Free Hospital in London. Could it be?
Each time I thought I was going to transplant in the past, I felt so PSYCHED! Ready to do it! Right now I feel like, "Whaaat? You want me to do whaaat?" I think I'm just tired. This has been such an emotionally and physically giant run-around. I'm a bit stunned. But I'm quite determined to go into this strong strong strong. That is how I will spend my summer vacation: strengthening myself on every level. Physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Speaking of...earlier today I met with two Michaels. One is a close friend of Andy's through work. He's a charming Englishman who moved to Greece as a young man to try his hand in the shipping business. There he met his wonderful Greek wife and they are one of the most life-embracing couples I've ever met. You just want to be around them because it's fun.
Today Michael brought over a Greek Reiki healer named Michaelis. He believes in this man's power to heal because he has done so for a number of his friends and family members. It's so sweet he thought of me and went out of his way to arrange this. It was so interesting. Michaelis sort of examined or scanned me with his hands. The energy from his hands was HOT. He was totally able to pinpoint issues I've had in my body, including the exact painful spot where I had the fungal pneumonia. That's pretty amazing. If it works out that Michaelis can work on me, it would be such a luxury. He put me on the phone with a leukemia patient he had helped put into remission for a transplant. This guy didn't stop raving. He was so lovely too. He said, "You can do it. I have no doubt. And keep smiling". Pretty sweet.
My support through Leukemia has been through my family and friends. It's only recently that other professionals have been coming into my life to help support me. A fabulous therapist, child therapist, massage therapist, now maybe reiki. I'm such an alternative and complementary health advocate. I've gotten so sucked into all this chemo and doctors and hospitals, I'm so glad I'm finding the people and the energy to branch out. It makes me feel so much more like a whole person. Body, mind, spirit.
This has been a big lesson in taking care of myself. I'm really impressed with people who take good care of themselves. It's a giant wake-up call.
Off to sleep. Sweet dreams.
Dina xox
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